Echoes of an Island

Lin Chih Yu, Chang Ting Chen, Lian Chia Shin, Ali Istanda Group Exhibition

To welcome the warmth of the spring equinox, Galerie Pierre presents “Echoes of an Island”, a group exhibition featuring the latest works of four young artists: Lin Chih Yu, Chang Ting Chen, Lian Chia Shin and Ali Istanda. Inspired by Taiwan's natural landscape and cultural features, they integrate scene of everyday life, natural, and cultural heritage into their creations, presenting the island’s splendid landscapes through observation and reflection.

Lin Chih Yu’s mountain landscapes, Chang Ting Chen’s flowing water rhythms,Lian Chia Shin ’s transitional scenery, and Ali Istanda’s Bunun narratives together outline a spiritual map of the island. From March 8 to April 12. 

You are invited to listen echoes of this land, life experience the memories, transformations, and sense of belonging it holds, and create your own inner coordinates.