Jun 03, 2024

The first Chinese woman holds the position as the World President of FIABCI.

Lily Chang|Commercial Times by ZENG,LI-FANG

Lily Chang, President of the Fiabci Taiwan and President of Treasure Dragon Corp.


The Glory of Taiwan! 

Lily Chang, President of the Fiabci Taiwan and President of Treasure Dragon Corp. winning her vice presidential campaign at the FIABCI World Congress in Singapore this May. President Lily Chang will serve as FIABCI World Vice President from 2024 to 2025, World President Elect from 2025 to 2026 and finally as FIABCI World President from 2026 to 2027.This is the first time than 70 years since FIABCI was founded that a Chinese woman holds the position as the World President of FIABCI.


In the future, the company will work to help realize the global construction industry's consensus on net-zero carbon emissions and affordable housing.「For the things you can see,we do our best. For the things you cannot see, we always use our heart, do our best and also would like to bring people happiness.」This has been Lily Chang's motto throughout her 30 years in the construction industry, and she emphasizes that she will continue to make this her goal in the future, and continue to be a voice for Taiwan in the international arena!


Board members of FIABCI TAIWAN.


In 1971 FIABCI obtained Roster and in 1996 Special consultative status at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, dedicated to sustainable development, providing overall guidance and coordination.Over the years, FIABCI Taiwan has effectively expanded trade space in a second-track diplomatic way through the Union, and in 2018, Lilly Chang was invited to participate in the 9th World Urban Forum organized by UN-Habitat and deliver a keynote speech.


In addition, Lily Chang successfully hosted the FIABCI 64th World Congress in Taichung in 2013, and has since taken on various important roles in the FIABCI.In addition to serving as the President of the Board of Directors of the Developers and Investors Council for a long period of time, Lily Chang was invited to become the President of the Finance Committee by the current President of the FIABCI in 2023, and has also become an Executive Director of the FIABCI.


In 2017, Lily Chang even proposed a temporary motion at the first board meeting after the General Assembly to successfully change the name of the Taiwan Chapter back to “FIABCI-Taiwan” from “FIABCI-Chinese Taiwan”, which had been forced to change its name previously!


The FIABCI 74th World Congress in Singapore.


After ten years of hard work, Lily Chang was encouraged by many international friends to run for the election of the World Vice President of the FIABCI. Despite the competition from the host country's Singapore Chapter, Lili Zhang still lived up to her expectations, and with the support and blessings of many friends, she has been elected as the  FIABCI World Vice President 2024-2025 and will become FIABCI World President 2026-2027.


Throughout the more than 70-year history of the FIABCI, most of the world presidents have been European and American, and Taiwan's Glyn T. H. Ing was the first Chinese world president.This time, Lily Chang continues the footsteps of her predecessor by becoming the first Chinese woman World President of the FIABCI, and has also succeeded in securing a channel for Taiwan to continue to have a voice in important international civil society organizations, which is indeed a rare honor.


Since 2006, the ROC Real Estate Association has been hosting the National Construction Excellence Awards, and by linking up with the Global Construction Excellence Awards, it has been able to present Taiwan's beautiful architectural works to international friends. Lily Chang promises to not only continue to promote the FIABCI-Taiwan Real Estate Excellence Awards, but also to contribute to the realization of the global consensus on net-zero carbon emissions and affordable housing!