Dec 1992
Mar 1994
Changhua Gendii-Villa
Combining traditional Minnan architectural elements with a contemporary touch
Combining traditional Minnan architectural elements with a contemporary touch, this building seamlessly blends into the serene, local environment. Located on Changhua Zhongshan Road, it exudes a timeless sense of calmness and elegance that endures to this day.
- DeveloperTreasure Dragon Corp.
- ConstructionMJ Construction Corp.
- Project location No. 19, Ln. 354, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County.
- Base area2601.25m²
- Architectural DesignTreasure Dragon’s Construction Planning and Design Team, Lai & Chao Architects & Associate
- Construction period December 1992 March 1994